The most popular and must-have addons for Wrath Classic. Update or get yours during the pre-patch.
Details! Damage meter
See how well you or your party/raid are performing. Live metering for damage, healing, and almost everything inbetween. Check who is doing a good or bad job at dispelling and how people are taking damage. Most players should be familiar with Details!, but make sure to get the Wrath version (not Classic or Retail).
Get Details!Questie
Questie makes questing a piece of cake. Adding quests, objectives, and turn-ins to your mini-map and main map. It also adds quality/ease of life things like objective progress to tooltips and enemies like Retail. Questie gives you all the information you need to complete quests quick and efficiently.
Questie Wrath ClassicDBM: Deadly Boss Mods
Most players should be familiar with DBM from Retail. A very helpful addon for raiders to inform you of important raid mechanics in all boss encounters (raids, dungeons, and world). It makes raiding much more efficient and helps people avoid mistakes.
Deadly Boss Mods WrathWeakAuras
An extremly in-depth and powerful addon that allows you to customize data in almost any way. WeakAuras allows the display of highly customizable graphics on World of Warcraft's user interface to indicate buffs, debuffs, and other relevant information.
WeakAuras Wrath
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