Battlefield 3 - Gameplay footage, screenshots and the latest info
Battlefield 3 - Caspian Border Gameplay
Last week saw the release of some new footage by EA, on Youtube, for the Battlefield 3 mutiplayer.
The video shows fantastic, intense 64-player vehicle warfare - including jets on the map Caspian Border! This marked the premier of jet gameplay as played at GamesCom 2011.
Caspian Border is a multi-faceted, vehicle heavy map that exemplifies classic Battlefield gameplay.
New Battlefield 3 Screenshots
The day after some stunning high res screenshots were released.
Click on a thumbnail below for the full res image.
If you haven't made your mind up whether to get BF3 after viewing that video - then I don't know what will!
Weapons and Vehicle list
We've also gathered the confirmed weapons and vehicle list, which can be viewed here.
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