Veteran Gear Weapon Unlocks
Gears of War's Rod Fergusson announced last night via a live stream a few updates related to the Veteran Gear Achievement in Gears 2.
He revealed to the public only 2% of the Gears community has earned Veteran Gear. For those who did (or are going to) - you've got some golden treats in store!
If you manage to achieve Veteran Gear in time for Gears 3, you'll be rewarded with every one of the five golden gun in Gears 3. You'll also get a unique medal and title.
Other ways of getting your gold guns have also been revealed.
Commando achievement from Gears 1 will get you a Gold Sawn off shot gun.
Playing in the first week of release will net you your very own Gold Lancer and Hammerburst!
After listening to the community, Epic decided the golden Gnasher is only available to those who earn Veteran Gear.
Gears Weekend Events
Starting August 20th 2011, five weekends will be Gears XP Weekends - allowing you to earn additional experience points and fun filled changes in Horde.
No information has been released about the XP events, but stay tuned here and on the Gears official forums to keep up to date!
New Gears of War 3 Screenshots!
More info from Epic Games can be found here: EpicGames.com
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