BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea Episode Two Trailer
BioShock Infinite Episode 2 came out today. The DLC is between 6 and 10GB in size based on platform. Xbox Live users will need to download two files.
The conclusion of BioShock Infinite. See the world through the eyes of Elizabeth, as she continues her journey through Rapture in a film noir-style story that provides players with a different perspective on the BioShock universe. This add-on pack is also included in the BioShock Infinite Season Pass.
#2 - EliteXphoenix, Tue 25th Mar 2014, 7:55pm
That's a big file size? Idk what games you play or how tiny your hard drive is, but this is a good size for dlc, it shows the company put effort into what they love and made something they loved. And on bandwidth 2 GB even on a very very slow connection won't take more than a couple hours at most. Only time it would be unbearable is if you had dial up.
#1 - Guest, Tue 25th Mar 2014, 3:22pm
I would love to play this. But I will not and never purchase a game file that size without having the CD or DVD in my possession. If every game manufacturer creates download packs this size imagine the size of hard drives we are going to need. Plus we all know that hard drives can fail, so what then, download it again? all that bandwith..... Really. It is time we start telling these companies how we feel about download packs like this. Again I loved the series of Bio shock but I will not be downloading this pack, If it was on sale in a store I would wait in line for it the night before, but not online. Too big of a file.
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