Renegade X is a standalone Tactical FPS game for the Unreal Development Kit (UDK). It is a Command & Conquer FPS game with RTS elements, based on the original 2002 C&C Renegade.
last Friday the Rengade X project officially opened up for Beta applications on their forums.
Renegade X's 'Fobby' said
'Instead of having a closed invite-only beta testing team, we would like to reach out to our community and give you a chance to apply. Beta testing is an important task that all games must undergo prior to a release. It's not necessarily an enjoyable task. On the contrary, it can be quite long and gruelling indeed.'
Check out the Read Before You Apply-post and apply! https://www.renegade-x.com/forums/showthread.php?61607-Read-Before-You-Apply!
Last year Renegade X: Black Dawn was released as a stand alone UDK single player game. Fans of Renegade, and subsequently Renegade X, have been waiting for news about the Multiplayer ever since Black Dawn.
Renegade X - Game Design Podcast, including multiplayer pre-alpha footage
You can check out the Renegade X website at https://www.renegade-x.com/
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