Guide Feedback - what do the users say?
Guide: Bad Company 2
"GiGaB@yt, you may link to and source info from this site - but I can't offer anything more. Sorry."
By DrMong on 22nd Aug 2010 17:41
Guide: Bad Company 2
"Hi, is there any chance to cooperate? I'd like use this website for my page (trought link) but I'd like to translate it into Czech language. Is there any chance?"
By GiGaB@yt on 22nd Aug 2010 06:08
Guide: Bioshock 2
"oye yo encontre un radio cerca del numero 43 a la izquierda el ultimo cuarto!!!"
By Guest on 21st Aug 2010 00:16
Guide: GOW2EXP
"Looks like we are up to 21x for Labor Day weekend, with more to come. Go to and like it to make it higher, total exp multiplier will be number of likes divided byu 1000."
By TurboRuhland on 20th Aug 2010 15:21
Guide: AC 2
"This guide is seriously making everything a piece of cake. The checklist is amazingly helpful. Please continue to make guides like this and I will continue to visit."
By MD Retribution on 19th Aug 2010 22:19
Guide: Bioshock 2
"Just found audio diary Nr 130. Author Murphy, title "A generous offer " (that is in the French version I play). To be found in level "Inner Persephone". In the detention lobby, where you will fight Sinclair, take the stairs up and follow the gangway that runs around and leads to the cell blocks. Ignore cell blocks B, C and D and go through the seal door (there's an El Bandito right behind it). Follow the gangway until it is broken and enter Cell Block A. Get rid of the Splicer and enter the cell on the left of the entrance. There is a corpse merging from a hole in the cell wall. At the foot of the wall, several ammo and the diary. Back on hte gangway, you can unlock the back door to Sinclair's office on the other side of the broken path. I hope this helps everyone. Enjoy."
By Guest on 19th Aug 2010 16:54
Guide: AC 2
"Got the 100 feathers right now. Ty for this a
amazing guide"
By oTRo on 18th Aug 2010 05:13
Guide: MW2EXP
"To sys, it actually resets all of your experience in the barracks with each prestige. so it will tell you the experience you have since you prestiged. Also, bluecripcuz, I didn't know they even had computers under bridges. Stop trolling you stupid ass piece of shit. Just because someone did something well, and you realize that you aren't worthy of doing anything right, you don't have to go around being an asshole to the people who are clearly better than you in every single way. Third, DrMong, fuck anyone who says that this site isn't really well put together and organized. They're just jealous. Nice work."
By Whoopashigitt on 13th Aug 2010 17:42
Guide: GOW2EXP
"'Guest', your 8.2m exp would give you level 107. As seen here:"
By DrMong on 9th Aug 2010 08:50
Guide: GOW2EXP
"i was wondering what the exact math equation was because ive been lvl 100 for about 3 months now and i wanted to figure out what lvl i was past that. i currently have 8.3 million points total. if you could tell me the equation i would very much appreciate it."
By Guest on 7th Aug 2010 05:28
Guide: GOW2EXP
"YOU LiE!!! It's 6,825,825 for rank 100. Confirmed!"
By InvaderZimNtheArmada on 7th Aug 2010 05:20
Guide: Bad Company 2
"A very useful, professional and user-friendly website ! Highly recommended to any BFBC2 frag freak ! Keep up the great work !"
By Aurorocks57 on 4th Aug 2010 10:56
Guide: GOW2EXP
"i got rest think you for show that i can still get my 100 "
By Harper Ni on 1st Aug 2010 01:23