Guide Feedback - what do the users say?
Guide: AC 2
"Great site shame it won't let you log in after the initial sign up I've tried logging in numerous times changed passwords log in straight after and "doesn't recognise" the username or password."
By Guest on 12th Aug 2020 10:14
Guide: AC Syndicate
"Enthusiasm and desire can break through all difficulties"
By SharpAmelia on 8th Aug 2020 02:12
Guide: AC Syndicate
"Thanks for the map :D really helped especially on the helix glitches and secrets of london
guest #82 is also an idiot. since the map ingame can be rotated to match the maps in this guide.
if you cannot do that, then just invest in buying the maps using helix points"
By Guest on 13th Jul 2020 08:05
Guide: AC 2
"Thank you, this site saved me so much time! Great job! :)"
By Pioorko_PL on 11th Jul 2020 03:15
Guide: Bioshock Infinite
"Just wanted to take a moment to thank you and to tell you I nominated this site as "Best guide of the day" for LunaCon. Again, thanks."
By Guest on 28th Jun 2020 02:57
Guide: Bioshock Infinite
"Thanks for this guide not so much a fan of this game i enjoyed the other 2 a lot more but this has made my completion of it a lot easier"
By Guest on 2nd Jun 2020 07:45
Guide: AC Syndicate
"The fact you turned this map sideways, different from the in game way, F you."
By Guest on 19th May 2020 18:11
Guide: AC 2
"Fantastic site. Really appreciate the effort you went to so I didn't have to!"
By Higgo on 12th May 2020 20:50
Guide: AC Syndicate
"Why do all the maps have no chests except Whitechapel and WW1?"
By Guest on 17th Mar 2020 18:16
Guide: Bioshock Infinite
"WHOA DRMong I just realized it's you! Your bioshock 2 guide was my shit as well! thanks for all your work my dude."
By larjus_wangus on 21st Feb 2020 22:27
Guide: Bioshock Infinite
"Thanks so much guys. These are the kinds of checklists I wish every game had. Will definitely be coming back."
By larjus_wangus on 21st Feb 2020 22:25
Guide: Bioshock Infinite
"Gear not mentionned in the same room as the vidéophone 25"
By Guest on 25th Jan 2020 22:44
Guide: AC Syndicate
"Guys I was wondering if you can transfer the $ from wwI to main game? What’s the point of getting all chests money and doing income zeppelin missions if you can only buy bullets with it?! "
By Guest on 2nd Dec 2019 12:05