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Guide: Bioshock Infinite
"Awesome Guide well put. Thank you for the effort"
By Guest on 6th Feb 2022 19:59
Guide: Deathloop
Note: Handwritten Letter and Audio: Colt Exhaustive have been added to Karl's Bay: Colt's Old Apartment.
Note: The Threshold has been added to Karl's Bay Hanger 2
@17 - mapf - Thanks for the info! "
By DrMong on 15th Dec 2021 17:47
Guide: Deathloop
"Nice guide! But I noticed a few collectibles that you missed in Karl's Bay: "The Threshold" note, on the floor leading up to the "Live At Stony Bar" note; and "Handwritten Letter" note and "Colt Exhaustive" tape, which can be found in Colt's old apparment. It can be reached through a breach in the ceiling of Vanya's place. I'm not sure if there are more, but these are the ones I noticed so far."
By mapf on 10th Dec 2021 13:47
Guide: Deathloop
"@14 - Sorry, all the other areas have the actual map marked on my map. Added to Karl's Bay!
When coming out of the main entrance you turn left and it's just before the "Gardens of Perception"."
By DrMong on 30th Nov 2021 14:06
Guide: Deathloop
"Does anyone know where to find the minimap of Karls Bay?"
By Guest on 29th Nov 2021 22:39
Guide: Deathloop
"@11 Thanks! I mixed up the locations on that one, and wasn't sure (thus the note on it). I'll check and correct it."
By DrMong on 27th Nov 2021 18:52
Guide: Deathloop
"@10 They are already listed under Fristad Rock. The BQ Reports are in Fristad Rock: Intelligence Archives (behind the three locks in Storm Shelter)."
By DrMong on 27th Nov 2021 18:49
Guide: Deathloop
""How the Jingle Jangles" is in Fristad Rock (Fractured Image)."
By Guest on 24th Nov 2021 22:25
Guide: Deathloop
"Missed BQ Report: Gasbag Access, BQ Report: Stage Management, and BQ Report: Cold Cuts."
By Guest on 24th Nov 2021 06:48
Guide: Deathloop
"Thank you for continuing to update. I want to get all collectibles, so thank you. Please comment if you ever add new stuff - like you did with the “chasing ghosts” "
By Guest on 24th Nov 2021 03:46
Guide: Bioshock Infinite
"I wanted to thank you so much for this perfect guide on how to find the Gears. I would also like to add that in Factory, after you kill the Handyman he will drop a random Gear. So in Factory you can get a total of three Gears (including Spare the Rod)."
By Guest on 23rd Nov 2021 22:14
Guide: Deathloop
"@6 yep it is! Maps are basically done though.
@7 + @3 thank you! Audio 'Chasing Ghosts' has been added now to Updaam."
By DrMong on 23rd Nov 2021 02:06
Guide: Deathloop
"You missed "Chasing Ghosts," audio above tunnel entrance near archivist office."
By Guest on 22nd Nov 2021 23:42