Guide Feedback - what do the users say?
Guide: Dishonored
"poopsicle asswipe lick toads are yum and bobs burgers be yum"
By Guest on 9th May 2014 22:16
Guide: AC 2
"The red marks are the feathers the blue ones are the glyps you need to unlock subject 16 videos and a acheivement. I have 98 feathers and im looking for two, if i had know about this site before i would not have missed them. great site!!"
By Angel25 on 2nd May 2014 03:11
Guide: AC 2
"I don't understand this 2bh what is the red markers and what's the blue markers? Are they both feathers? "
By Guest on 1st May 2014 15:32
Guide: AC 2
"Thank you so much for this, finally got my platinum trophy because of this guide."
By Guest on 28th Apr 2014 02:10
Guide: GOW2EXP
"I believe this is out of date, cause right now Im about lvl 76 and a half but I only have 1 million points in gaurdian, and it says required to get there you need 2 million. I havent played any other game type or mode, and I started playing this games multiplayer about a month and a half ago"
By Guest 2 on 4th Apr 2014 03:52
Guide: AC 2
"thankyou would never have done it without your help 10/10"
By woodspoiler on 27th Mar 2014 19:58
Guide: Bioshock Infinite
"I have found that the season pass is not nescessary for getting the achievement for the infusions. Just followed this guide and got it. "
By Guest on 25th Mar 2014 16:14
Guide: Bioshock Infinite
"Just So you know if you saved the couple at the raffle they will gove you gear 5, not Fink :)"
By Charlie on 24th Mar 2014 18:21
Guide: AC 2
"Have 98 but are missing the last two feathers to complete the map for A.C. 2. But I have been all over the places on the map and are still having trouble finding them. Any suggestions? "
By Guest on 24th Mar 2014 12:41
Guide: Bad Company 2
"HAPPY ST PATS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1"
By tb13066/kdb13066 on 17th Mar 2014 23:15