Guide Feedback - what do the users say?
Guide: AC Syndicate
"I tried to get the helix under the bridge with the zipline, but this didn't work too, its always an inch away or sth :| i really don't know what I need to do to get it"
By Guest on 14th Dec 2016 18:34
Guide: AC 2
"This checklist is very helpful, It allowed me to check each box that I caught feathers. I'm recommend those AS players to check this out for new players. =)"
By Vinurik on 10th Dec 2016 16:14
Guide: AC 2
"Works on my Windows Phone. The checklist is also an excellent idea. "
By neeker75 on 6th Dec 2016 01:46
Guide: AC Brotherhood
"not bad, ac 2 one was better mind you. least you could keep track better"
By Handz19 on 27th Nov 2016 17:49
Guide: AC 2
"i never bothered to grab all of the feathers on the 360 version, but now that the Ezio Collection is out on PS4 i wanted to get platinum for AC2. this guide is making my life so much easier. thanks a million! %uD83D%uDC99"
By azure on 26th Nov 2016 15:54
Guide: Dishonored 2
"This is currently a work in progress! Will be updating over the next couple of days.
Edit: The site is now complete (15th Nov 2016, 00:48)"
By DrMong on 13th Nov 2016 01:52
Guide: Bioshock 2
"Excellent guide. Very detailed and thorough. Only thing missing is the 5 ADAM slugs you can collect on the sea floor."
By Mikesapien on 9th Nov 2016 23:44
Guide: AC 2
"When you click check box on the tracker, it should make the map marker change color so we know which one is still available. "
By Khid2Dubb on 3rd Nov 2016 21:09
Guide: Bioshock 2
"*76: "the voice of the self" is called "truth is in the body" in my game.... not sure what's the deal... I'm in Australia... anyway
**TLDR: And now the tldr section, massive praise & thanks to MLWgames!
**Exceptional work on the website dude/team, for real it's just excellent . Literally the weekend before last I remember standing outside with my friend late at night during a gaming session break, and we're talking about this constant struggle to find a simple list with tick boxes that tracks progress....
I'm talking about the last 7 years of gaming here, struggling with tracking collectibles... especially since becoming a mojor trophy/achievement hunter, lists like this are hard to find and this one is done perfect!!
%u2022minimum amount of text
%u2022maximum simplicity
%u2022full tracking
%u2022video links
%u2022mobile friendly AND
%u2022no freaking ads!!!
Seriously awesome job and clearly done out of love for gaming and our community, excellent EXCELLENT job MLWgames, thank you!"
By JetstreamVonSlice on 2nd Nov 2016 00:36
Guide: Bioshock Infinite
"Muchas Gracias, this really helped me during the 1999 mode. the fact that it is a check list is incredibly helpful and with the videos you cannot miss a single important collectable."
By Guest on 18th Oct 2016 00:54
Guide: Bioshock Infinite
"Thanks for the guide :) Also a little helpful note, if you can change the order of these at all I would put Infusion 23 and Vox 68 before Gear 31. If you go through getting Gear 31 and the following two Voxophones, the door leading to Infusion 23 and Vox 68 gets closed off after dealing with the tear making the Infusion and Vox unobtainable. So you MUST get Infusion 23 and Vox 68 prior to going to get the previous 3 collectibles. Other than that minor thing this guide was spot on and helped me a ton :) thanks! "
By Guest on 17th Oct 2016 01:54
Guide: Bioshock 2
"Used this in my recent playthrough, absolutely brilliant guide! Thank you!"
By Delta on 11th Oct 2016 20:43
Guide: AC Syndicate
"Helix glitch under the bridge!
You get it by using the leap of faith via zipline. Zipline from one side to almost the other then leap of faith down xx"
By Guest on 6th Oct 2016 04:24
Guide: Bioshock 2
"Yep it helps but everytime i log in my proggress is lost."
By angelbless on 2nd Oct 2016 18:09