Guide Feedback - what do the users say?
Guide: GOW2EXP
"drmong, i'm always up 4 a challenge. maybe combine your random placement idea w/ public matches only & you have a bit of a challenging achievement. WHO WANTS TOAST?!"
By xvh1ou812x on 7th Dec 2009 12:33
Guide: GOW2EXP
"xvh1ou812x, maybe if they were in a random hidden place each time - would make it harder."
By DrMong on 5th Dec 2009 00:24
Guide: GOW2EXP
"off the wall comment: in gears 3, epic should hide a toaster (as in the easter egg bread toaster in the campaign) in every multiplayer map & give you an achievement for finding & activating all of them. THAT would be funny. what do you think?"
By xvh1ou812x on 4th Dec 2009 16:00
Guide: GOW2EXP
"I have to try the horde trick because I'm at level 73 and I'm really really tired..."
By Gonzo345 on 3rd Dec 2009 14:15
Guide: GOW2EXP
"wait wait wait wait... am i reading this correctly? DOUBLE XP PERMANENT???? OMG if thats true that is awesome. too bad i just got the rrod at the start of triple xp. fml. hopefully ill get my xbox back before christmas so i can get my 100 eventually. currently a 60. its looking like i might be able to get to 100"
By Danky1227 on 24th Nov 2009 02:13
Guide: GOW2EXP
"quick way to level up w/o cheating. don't bother w/ all the nonsense & lag problems in public. on private, take 1 or 2 buddies along (full party is preferable)& horde on security on insane for the first 2 or 3 waves (holding up in the hallway w/ the scorcher), then jump through the lasers at the beginning of wave 4 so the host can choose "start from beginning". although it will get boring after a while, this method will net you max exp in minimum time. how does 500 xp in an average of 90 sec. sound?
i went from lv 60 to lv 65 during the triple xp event (750 xp/wave). you can do this by yourself, but it won't be as lucrative since it'll most likely take longer to get through each wave therefore defeating the purpose. if you're by yourself consider hardcore, & change the map every so often to keep the boredom down to a minimum. i'd like to know if anyone has a faster non-cheating method the'd like to share."
By xVH1OU812x on 19th Nov 2009 19:19
Guide: GOW2EXP
"before i printed my own copy of this info for quick reference, i had a terrible time doing the math by trying to read the #s on the tv before they dissapeared. i would just use the progress bar until it was almost full then try to do the math for the last few thousand."
By xVH1OU812x on 19th Nov 2009 19:01
Guide: GOW2EXP
"A year has passed for since when the game came out but it's only been almost 8 months since TU3 has been out (3/24/09) which is when the xp system was added lol not even 1 year yet just wanted to point that out "
By Xi Intensify Ix on 17th Nov 2009 21:44
Guide: GOW2EXP
"Oh you're right! I've not considered the winning bonus.
Hope that this triple xp lasts forever, hehe. I could upgrade my hardly achieved 42 level in 4 months to almost 49 in less than a week...
But the road to 100 is too would take me 6 months (even with triple experience!). Hope that Epic, consider to increase the points now that a year has passed."
By FS 07 on 14th Nov 2009 02:02
Guide: GOW2EXP
"FS 07: There is also a winning bonus. 750 exp (250 bonus, tripled) - this could be what you're seeing."
By DrMong on 13th Nov 2009 09:50
Guide: GOW2EXP
"Hey, is this triple experience points really triple? I mean, I have been playing execution and I feel that I get more than the suppoused triple points... or there's also a new factor for the 'normal' experience? Or it's just my perception... o_O?"
By FS 07 on 13th Nov 2009 00:30
Guide: GOW2EXP
"Thanks man!
This'll help me so much. Great Site."
By OochieODoom on 11th Nov 2009 09:52
Guide: GOW2EXP
" <a href="">ewpqvkhy</a> iqsupmij mmpuerdj hliwnngx [URL=]uqzrthrx[/URL] "
By uqoqjrhx on 11th Nov 2009 02:22
Guide: GOW2EXP
"Gentlemen, you've created a great game here but as I play it I'm finding out that there are more lag switcher's and force host cheaters and Bridgeing going on in this game and you people are letting them ruin it for everyone ! please fix it so that they cannot do this any more please ! Every cheat is out there playing GOW2 for the 1 year aniversary with triple XP points my god can't you all even try and stop them everyone is waiting for you all to move on these cheaters and praying you have the balls to try and stop them !through November 6, 2009 til November 16, 2009 you could stop them or try ! This is the best game except for all the cheattin that is being done . DEdicated servers would help ! or just ban the accounts of the known cheatters like you promised !If you guys could just get on this game while all the triple XP points are going on you would experience and see all the cheatting going on in your game it is Insane !"
By Bassprofessor00 on 8th Nov 2009 00:52
Guide: GOW2EXP
"Thanks for updating the calculations this fast."
By OFR RockChucker on 5th Nov 2009 02:25
Guide: GOW2EXP
"Hey Archie,
TU5 did drop the exp for guardian to somewhere around 67%. I heard that it adjusted wingman and execution too."
By OFR RockChucker on 4th Nov 2009 03:12
Guide: GOW2EXP
"Did they change the exp gain after TU5? I could swear I am getting less exp on guardian"
By Archon of Adun on 3rd Nov 2009 23:06
Guide: GOW2EXP
"83 is correct though hate seeing that im only slightly over half way to 100"
By oCCo KRAZY on 3rd Nov 2009 02:42