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Guide: Bioshock 2
"Never mind you do have that one, well there are 21 diaries in that area, I will double check and let you know which ones you missed. My guide is seriously confusing lol"
By AscendancY on 11th Feb 2010 07:19
Guide: Bioshock 2
"Hi guys,
can you revisit the first level?? I never got the audio diary in the water when the big sister drops u in the water!!"
By Guest on 11th Feb 2010 07:16
Guide: Bioshock 2
"I will double check while im going through the campaign, because I do have the limited edition stradegy guide. Your missing one @ pauper's drop, Leo Hartwig - field trail, on the way back to the train, left of the little sister vent in the diner area. I hope I helped, I haven't gotten that far because this guide is a bit confusing."
By AscendancY on 11th Feb 2010 07:13
Guide: Bioshock 2
"Nice guide found one you didnt have in Siren Alley title of it is Plasmid Shipment. Its in Mermaids Lounge in the room with the Slot machines and the two hidden turrets."
By Guest on 11th Feb 2010 00:39
Guide: Bioshock 2
"Audio diary 'Mr Tape Recorder' is missing on Atlantic express, don't know where i found it sorry"
By Guest on 10th Feb 2010 20:35
Guide: Bioshock 2
"This is insane. Works great on the iPhone. Wow thank you for all the hard work. Wish I found this when doing ac2"
By xfbtmofx on 10th Feb 2010 19:45
Guide: Bioshock 2
"your missing one in the atlantic express called Mr.tape recorder and its by elanor lamb but i forgot where i found it"
By sheepthief on 10th Feb 2010 19:41
Guide: Bioshock 2
"I have found 2 missing audio diaries in the Mermaid lounge on Siren Alley. One downstairs in the restroom frozen in ice called The Rumbler and one upstairs in the room with the slot machines called Plasmid Shipment"
By chaos7 on 10th Feb 2010 19:15
Guide: Bioshock 2
"Missing Diary in The Atlantic Express. You need to get telekinesis and backtrack a little to retrive. It is hidden behind a fan at the end of the first underwater sequence, just before you enter the drafting room. It was called "Lamb's Mr. Diary" or something along those lines."
By Guest on 10th Feb 2010 18:51
Guide: Bioshock 2
"Yeah you are missing "Sammy Fletcher - Escape from Rapture" in Adonis Luxury Resort"
By GreenDisease on 10th Feb 2010 16:54
Guide: Bioshock 2
"After the Big Sister floods the large room of Adonis Luxury Resort, you'll pass by a damaged bathysphere containing 2 corpses. One of them contains an audio diary titled: Escape From Rapture.
However, this is easily missed. You can tell its the bathysphere by the blinking lights on it."
By The Dukenator on 10th Feb 2010 11:47
Guide: Bioshock 2
"Yeah sorry noli, they will be up in a couple of hours!"
By DrMong on 10th Feb 2010 05:51
Guide: Bioshock 2
"Yeah, I've got a couple more in Paupers drop to add - which will be on soon! :)"
By DrMong on 10th Feb 2010 03:24