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Guide: Bioshock 2
"#61 - they should work fine now, was a small glitch yesterday :)"
By DrMong on 15th Feb 2010 09:05
Guide: Bioshock 2
"yep they're working now i will start collecting thanks for the great website"
By pmanizme on 15th Feb 2010 07:58
Guide: Bioshock 2
"Some of the diaries in Dionysus Park won't uncheck properly, and they're still saved even after I uncheck them. It's only happening with 73,122 and 75 right now."
By cool_dude272 on 15th Feb 2010 04:42
Guide: Bioshock 2
"#58/#59 - Woops, there is a flaw in Internet Explorer which I forgot about, the maps should work now! Sorry."
By DrMong on 14th Feb 2010 20:23
Guide: Bioshock 2
"Same as 58 i cant see the map only a green line
By pmanizme on 14th Feb 2010 18:47
Guide: Bioshock 2
"nice guide but i can't see the maps, just a green line. the ac2 feather maps work so why can't i see these?"
By maps on 14th Feb 2010 18:14
Guide: Bioshock 2
"Oh, another thing DrMong. There's a typo, it's not DIONYSIS, it's DIONYSUS. Keep it up :)"
By Adam on 13th Feb 2010 20:54
Guide: Bioshock 2
"Does anyone know the keycode for the door next to the "Legs,Mouth,Arms,and Eyes" audio diary?"
By Guest on 13th Feb 2010 20:32
Guide: Bioshock 2
"Adam, thanks for pointing out the counting error - it's fixed.
As for the ordering, they will be ordered later. :)"
By DrMong on 13th Feb 2010 19:17
Guide: Bioshock 2
"Oh, and it doesn't count it (7/8 when all is checked), please fix it.
Thanks again."
By Adam on 13th Feb 2010 15:22
Guide: Bioshock 2
"DrMong, please, in The Atlantic Express level, please place this diary "Diary #118 - Mr. Tape Recorder" to the second place, because it's the second you come across, and because you listed it as the last, I couldn't backtrack into it, hell, I didn't even knew it's in the beginning of the level! Why I couldn't backtrack? Well, there's 2 big reason: First, once you go up with the elevator, you can't go back! Second, once I got into the last part of the level, where I have to hold up the splicers, I cannot go back, because the door just don't move! It's got locked!
Your Guide is awesome, don't get me wrong, I just hate this new backtracking mechanism in this game, otherwise, awesome game, and awesome guide for it! Just, please, correct this, so others won't share this problem!
I hope the rest of this guide is perfect, I don't want to replay another level from scratch...
Thank you, DrMong!"
By Adam on 13th Feb 2010 15:16
Guide: Bioshock 2
"All 128 are listed here with descriptions, just not all have video locations. :)"
By DrMong on 13th Feb 2010 12:40
Guide: Bioshock 2
"i read that there were 128 yours only has 121 are you missing some or am I wrong? Still very nice guide Mong"
By Guest on 13th Feb 2010 02:46
Guide: Bioshock 2
"Thanks for the Multi-Player guide DrMong. I've been waiting for a list on all of the unlockables! =D"
By Guffawer on 12th Feb 2010 23:51
Guide: Bioshock 2
"Great guide. Very useful and good u put videos in aswell makes it alot easier. Nice one"
By Guest on 12th Feb 2010 23:24
Guide: Bioshock 2
"where a no.118 Diary? i can't find it.... ^^ thx"
By Guest on 12th Feb 2010 16:52
Guide: Bioshock 2
"Nath - it's in the room with the rocket turret and Diary #113"
By DrMong on 12th Feb 2010 16:06
Guide: Bioshock 2
"Can anyone help me with power to the people #14? 13 is just behind a certain big daddy in his control room, but where's the last? I've hunted thru both parts of the Persephone now, twice, and no such luck argh!!!"
By Nath on 12th Feb 2010 13:01