Unfortunately there's no real way to check your map in-game, so you'll need to work out where you're going. The map above is hopefully marked clearly enough!
If you find something unlisted please let me know in the comments section!
Audio Cassette
Unethical Waffling
Morning. Inside the Forever Young building on main street to the left of the entrance.
Morning only. Go to upper floor there are two tables stacked, audio log is on top (infront of fireplace).
Audio Cassette
Harvest Time
Afternoon. Inside the Forever Young building
Afternoon only. Explains how to make a Trinket with the device next to it.
Trinket: Best of Both Worlds
Afternoon. In the Forever Young building. This is required for 'Best of Both Worlds achievement'
Pick up the harvester and suck up Residuum from items. The device has a guage on it to show you when you have enough and what quality it will be. New: GOLDENLOOP: You must use this device for the Best of Both Worlds achievement/trophy.
Worry Not, Dear Customers!
Inside the Mask makers building.
Next to locked door. Only there when Amador IS NOT saved in the Morning.
Help item
TIP: Charlie's Game - Haul-A-Quin
Inside the Mask Maker's workshop.
Karl's Bay Mask Shop Haul-A-Quin Head - use on the Haul-A-Quin once it is powered up with a battery.
Vanya and Anatoly
You must control the outcome of the Pact of Smoke to access Vanya's and Anatoly's apartments (and Colt's old Apartment above Vanya's).
Vanya's Pact of Smoke
Inside Vanya's House
Vanya needs to survive the Pact of Smoke in Updaam for her house to be open in the Afternoon.
Anatoly's Pact of Smoke
Inside Anatoly's House
Anatoly needs to survive the Pact of Smoke in Updaam for his house to be open in the Afternoon.
Slapdash Invitation
On Vanya's and Anatoly's Door
The two people taking part in the Pact of Smoke both have the same note on their front door. This appears to be only available in the Morning. Both notes are the same. The note is also available inside Vanya's House and Anatoly's house when open (if they survive The Pact of Smoke).
Colt's (and/or Lila Blake's (?)) old apartment is accessible from inside Vanya's Apartment. You must start the Pact of Smoke from Updaam Morning (pressing the button in Updaam once) to open Vanya's apartment in the Afternoon.
Handwritten Letter
Inside Colt's old Karl's Bay Apartment, in a cabinet.
In the dark room, in the cabinet against wall.
Beetlequeen's Lucky Numbers
Dusty Storeroom upper, on matress.
Access the Dusty Storeroom via the Doorbell, and go up to the upper floor. On the matresses against wall in corner.
BQ Notes: The Rear Window
Dusty Storeroom upper, on crate.
Access the Dusty Storeroom via the Doorbell, and go up to the upper floor. On a metal crate.
BQ Notes: Dinner for Two
Dusty Storeroom upper, on floor.
Access the Dusty Storeroom via the Doorbell, and go up to the upper floor. Partially under a wooden crate.
BQ Notes: A Confederacy of Morons
Dusty Storeroom upper, on floor.
Access the Dusty Storeroom via the Doorbell, and go up to the upper floor. On the floor.
Audio Cassette
Beetlequeen's betrayal
Dusty Storeroom upper, on metal crate with typewriter.
Access the Dusty Storeroom via the Doorbell, and go up to the upper floor. On the crate with several items.
How Well Do YOU Know Blackreef?
Inside container between Hanger 1 and Hanger 2
There is an alley between Hanger 1 and Hanger 2. There are two containers stacked ontop of each other. The bottom one is open with boxes inside. The note is on top of the boxes. Usually two NPCs in the alley.
Keep Out
On Otto's container/warehouse.
Otto's container is attached to Hanger 2. Next to the door on the outside is the note.
AEON Profile
Harriet Unabridged, Part I
Hanger 2: Under floor vents
Approach Hanger 2 from the shore (at sea level) and pop in the open vent square hole under the hanger 2. To the right just inside. Under Otto's container. You can shoot the gas to clear it, or use iron lungs trinket.
I Got Nothing
Hanger 2: Upper walkway on box.
This gives you the Hanger 1 door access code. Opposite corner to Harriet's Office on the walkway above where she is lowering the Mask guy into the gas. On top of a box.
Harriet's Minicom
Hanger 2: Harriet's Office.
Get to Harriet's Office, on the small desk. You should visit Minicoms during every time period to read all messages.
AEON Profile
The Sixty-Second Minute: Harriet Morse
Hanger 2: Harriet's Office.
Get to Harriet's Office, in the small bookcase.
Dear Diary
Hanger 2: Below Harriet's Office.
When facing the cockpit style window, on the desk to the right.
Hanger 2: Below Harriet's Office.
When facing the cockpit style window, on the desk to the left.
Audio Cassette
Dear Harriet
Morning: On floor next to bin in Hanger 2
Go to Hanger 2 where Harriet is sacrificing Amador. In the lower floor of the office area.
Live At Stony Bar
Hanger 2: Floor under Harriet's Office
On a machine drill on desk at back in the room under Harriet's Office in Hanger 2.
The Threshold
Hanger 2: Floor under Harriet's Office at top of stairs next to aircraft
On the floor leading up to the note listed above, 'Live At Stony Bar', at the top of the stairs next to some barrels. Near the aircraft in the middle of Hanger 2.
Audio Cassette
Minutes To Midnight
Behind the bar on lower main floor.
Enter Dawn of Reason and find the drinks bar with the beer taps. Go behind the bar to find.
Living Deja-Vu
Above Vanya's House is Pick's Apartment. On desk.
Afternoon/Evening. Shift Slab is the easiest way to enter through the window.
AEON Profile
Fia In Full, Part I
In the Coital Center, in a corner.
Evening only. Enter the funky Coital Center building. Resting on a seat/bed thing in corner.
Morning:Fathoms of Lament, lower area.
Morning only Go in side of Fathoms of Lament from the alleyway outside, trinket in the lower. Protected by laser mines.
AEON Profile
Egor Unfiltered, Part I
Fathoms of Lament, hidden room. Climb in through window on Hanger 1 side (shoot Nullifer from Hanger 1 roof)
From Hanger 1 roof shoot and destroy the Nullifer blocking access to the rear window of Fathoms of Lament. Once Nullifier is destroyed Shift onto the AC unit under the open window and climb in. You can also use a Crank Wheel to flood the dock between Hanger 1 and FoL - to help getting in the window.
Unforseen Consequences
Afternoon+: If you don't kill the guy in the boat house
The Boathouse near Akkar station has a guy who takes a boat with a safe out in the morning. If you don't kill him this note will be in his place Afternoon+.
Salt-Scented Page
Morning: Inside Karl's Bay Boatsman's Safe
The code for the Sailor's Safe is initially inaccessible in Karl's Bay - you must first find it in Fristad Rock: Afternoon. It it the same note - which gives you the code for the safe (as in the code for the safe is actually inside the safe). The safe is open after the Boatsman crash lands in Fristad Rock Afternoon. This gives you the code to use on open the safe in Karl's Bay Morning.
Audio Cassette
Lexicon Wars
After cutscene in HZN Bunker, on floor.
Power up the Horizon Bunker from The Complex. Access HZN bunker in Karl's Bay. Can be on the console instead of floor too.
Afternoon only (GOLDENLOOP Update)
Hey Garbage Guy
Goldenloop: On the Eastern cliffs by the water there is a new door. Note on the door.
New with Goldenloop. New Garbage Disposal Facility in Karl's Bay. Note on the door. This explains the new miniboss - the Garbage Man.
Dead and Gone
Afternoon: Garbage Disposal Facility: Next to the conveyor belt control (inside)
Head inside the new Garbage Disposal Facility. Inside the Garbage Man's locked area is a conveyor belt. The note is next to the lever. This gives you the code to operate the conveyor belt from the outside.
AEON Mission Assignment
Afternoon: Garbage Man's desk at back of his locked area.
Head inside the new Garbage Disposal Facility. Inside the Garbage Man's locked area is a desk at the back with the note on it.
Deflector Trinket. Garbage Disposal Facility Trinket
Afternoon: Garbage Disposal Facility: Destroy the grinder with 3 explosives or items
Head inside the new Garbage Disposal Facility. Inside the Garbage Man's locked area is a conveyor belt. Under the grinder is a new unique trinket. Destroy the grinder by feeding it 3 items it doesn't like (crank wheels, turrets, etc) or use 3 explosives (e.g. grenades).
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