Where is the Updaam Map location in Deathloop?
Come out of the main entrance, and immediately on your left before the Candy Shop.

Updaam Map location.
Where is the Karl's Bay Map location in Deathloop?
Come out of the main entrance and turn left. Go along the main road. Just before Gardens of Perception on your left is the Map.

Karl's Bay Map location.
Where is the Fristad Rock Map location in Deathloop?
From the start follow the main around to the left, through the rock towards Frank's Ramblin' Rock Club. Go over the bridge towards the club and look back to see the Map facing the club.

Fristad Rock Map location.
Where is The Complex Map location in Deathloop?
Hack your way into the control room, and go into the adjacent room overlooking the power plant area entrance. The map is on the wall next to the windows.

The Complex Map location.