Save Amador - the mask shop owner.
Karl's Bay - Morning
Head to Hanger 2 straight away and interrupt the sacrifice of Amador - the mask shop owner. We need him alive so that he can open his shop later in the day.
Find a battery
Karl's Bay Morning
We now need to find a battery to power up the Haul A Quin. There's a few ways to get a battery in this game, but I think the easiest is just take one out of a turret.
Order a crank wheel from the Delivery Booth vending machine
Karl's Bay Morning
Go to the vending machine to order a Crank Wheel.
Where to get the Delivery Booth codeEnter the Big Smiley mask shop
Karl's Bay Afternoon
Next step is to go to Karl's Bay Afternoon. Make your way to the Big Smiley Mask shop. You'll find Amador inside, but we no longer need him.
Take the head from the Big Smiley to the Haul-A-Quin
Karl's Bay Afternoon
Charlie's Haul a Quin head is on the table. Pick it up and take it to the Haul A Quin machine. Put the Head on the Haul-A-Quin.
Get the Crank Wheel and put it on the Haul-A-Quin
Karl's Bay Afternoon
Go to the delivery booth vending machine to get your Crank Wheel you ordered earlier.
Get a Turret (or order one)
Karl's Bay Afternoon
Find a turret and hack it, pick it up, and take it to the Haul-A-Quin. That's it!