BioShock Infinite Guide by MLW Games

BioShock Infinite Sightseer Guide - Telescopes and Kinetoscopes Locations Guide

Finding and using all 30 kinetoscopes and 7 telescopes awards you the Sightseer achievement / trophy.

1. You can go back to find collectibles you missed from the main menu's chapter select (but trigger an auto save before quitting).
2. Some Kinetoscopes are repeated in the game. If you use one you've already watched, it will not count.

All 141 collectibles guide available
If you'd like to use the Full Collectibles guide to view all 141 collectibles in order: Full collectibles guide.
Kinetoscope: Welcome Center - 1

After the baptism, go though the gardens and enter the city. Enter the shop to the right, called Hudsons. The first Kinetoscope is to the left of the counter.

Kinetoscope: Welcome Center - 2

After waited for the display to pass, and you cross the bridge - go up the stairs and straight. The second Kinetoscope is to the left of the grocery store.

Telescope: Welcome Center - 3

After receiving a telegram, go to your left to find the first Telescope.

Kinetoscope: Welcome Center - 4

As you get to the raffle and fair, look to the right of the entrance. It's on the outside of the fair.

Kinetoscope: Comstock Center Rooftops - 5

As soon as you enter The Blue Ribbon, turn to your left to see three Kinetoscopes together. View all three. (Note: You will also find these 3 Kinetoscopes in the amusements later in the game. They are repeats and do not count if you have already used these ones.)

Kinetoscope: Comstock Center Rooftops - 6

Next to Kinetoscope #5

Kinetoscope: Comstock Center Rooftops - 7

Next to Kinetoscope #5

Kinetoscope: Comstock Center Rooftops - 8

Make your way out of the building with the printing machines (Montgomery household), go right and behind the tent you pass is a Kinetoscope.

Telescope: Comstock Center Rooftops - 9

After you first encounter crows, leave the building. To the left is a Police Barge with a Telescope on it.

Kinetoscope: Monument Island Gateway - 10

As soon as you enter the station, turn to your right. It's between two benches.

Telescope: Monument Island Gateway - 11

The first time you use the Sky Rail, make sure to drop off at the Maintainence platform (it's blue, and to the left of the sky rail). On the platform is a Telescope. Don't forgot to grab the infusion in the back room of the platform.

Kinetoscope: Battleship Bay - 12

Head into the building you need to go through. On the other side of the wall (i.e. look back when you exit) is a Kinetoscope.

Kinetoscope: Battleship Bay - 13

Go past the amusements (you will see #5, #6, and #7 repeated) and past the Whites Only toilets to find a Kinetoscope.

Telescope: Battleship Bay - 14

After the gondola ride with Elizabeth, head up to the platform above you. A telescope is looking outwards.

Kinetoscope: Soldier's Field - 15

As soon as you get to the welcome area, go to the right. You will come across a room with a model of Columbia. The Kinetoscope is to the next to it on the wall

Kinetoscope: Soldier's Field - 16

As you exit the first area, you will see an Ice Cream shop to your left. Turn left at the Ice Cream shop and you will see a Kinetoscope.

Kinetoscope: Hall of Heroes (going) - 17

As you see the sign for Hall of Heroes, with two buildings. The right building is Tickets. Go inside and head to the left. You will see a Kinetoscope.

Kinetoscope: Hall of Heroes (going) - 18

After you use the Sky Rail, go towards the Hall of Heroes, but before entering turn right and go straight for the Kinetoscope.

Kinetoscope: Hall of Heroes - 19

After the courtyard fight, and you learn about tears, enter the building. Infront of you are two Kinetoscopes.

Kinetoscope: Hall of Heroes - 20

Next to Kinetoscope #19

Kinetoscope: Hall of Heroes - 21

Directly infront of #19 and #20 is the Gift Shop. Next to the counter is another Kinetoscope. (Note: You will also find this Kinetoscope just before you board the Zeppelin - which is a repeat.)

Telescope: Fort Franklin Pier - 22

After getting back together with Elizabeth (after she rescues you with a tear - the blimp), turn around. A telescope is behind where you start.

Kinetoscope: Worker Induction Center - 23

As soon as you enter the center, turn to your left. A Kinetoscope is on the wall.

Kinetoscope: Good Time Club - 24

As soon as you enter the club, go up the stairs. On the landing/platform is a Kinetoscope.

Kinetoscope: Good Time Club - 25

After the club fighting, go to the lower level and past the toilets. At the back wall is a Kinetoscope.

Kinetoscope: Good Time Club - 26

After experiencing the first tear, go back out of the club. Next to where Kinetoscope #24 was, is a new Kinetoscope (opposite side of the landing).

Telescope: Shanty Town - 27

Just before you enter the Impound, use the Sky Rails and Hooks to get to the opposite side of the area. There is a telescope on a platform.

Kinetoscope: Bullhouse Impound - 28

Enter the impound and immediately find the office on your right. A Kinetoscope is inside.

Telescope: Finkton Proper - 29

After the Zeplin sequence, go up the stairs to the Factory but do not enter. In between the two sets of stairs at the top is a Telescope.

Telescope: Factory - 30

Once you made your way though the factory and are out in the open with Sky Rails, use them to go around the back of the clock tower structure and spot the Bulbs and Telsa coil. A Telescope is near the bulbs.

Telescope: Emporia - 31

Once the gondola arrives to take you to Emporia, look to the right of it to find a Telescope.

Kinetoscope: Port Prosperity - 32

Once you come by The Salty Oyster, go inside (needs lock picked). Brutally murder the guys inside, and head to the toilets. The Kinetoscope is by them.

Kinetoscope: Downtown Emporia - 33

Once you get to Comstock's gate, continue on down the road to find a Telescope on the left of the road past the sign for Memorial Gardens.

Kinetoscope: Comstock House Atrium - 34

When you come across the second Boy of Silence where you can go left or right, head toward the left and follow the hallways around. You will find the Kinetoscope against a pillar.

Kinetoscope: Comstock / Warden's - 35

Once you come across two turrets and metal stairs, go up and follow them around to the left. You will come across a Kinetoscope just before a room full of heads.

Kinetoscope: Comstock / Warden's - 36

Once you come across a projector room which was an observation (see the two cameras and broken one way glass), go though the broken wall and you will see a Kinetoscope on your right

Telescope: The Hand of The Prophet - 37

Just before you board the ship to the next zone, look to the left to see a Telescope.



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