City of London

Collectibles location guide

The City of London Syndicate Collectibles

City of London


City of London

Drag the map around above to locate your collectibles. You may also expand the map via the bottom right hand corner. This map is a complete, minus normal chests - you can buy treasure maps from any shop in-game.

Note: The first SECRET OF LONDON is in Reuge's Vault.

The City of London dates back to the Roman era, where it was the hub of activity on the river. In Assassin's Creed Syndicate you can climb St Pauls Cathedral, visit the Bank of England, and catch a train from Cannon Street Station.

Helix Glitch 30
Vintage Beer Bottle 5
Locked Chest 5
Chest 65
Illustration 10
Pressed Flower 5
Secrets of London 5

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