Blowing in the Wind achievement
Ben Franklin's Almanac locations
Retrieve every page for one of Ben Franklin's Almanacs
To get this Achievement / Trophy you need to find each page of an Almanac. There are many pages, and they are connected with random Almanacs, so just start collecting them. Below are location maps for each page.
Once you have completed an entire Almanac, the Achievement or Trophy will be earnt.
When you first get to Boston (as the first character) Ben Franklin tells you there are mising pages. At first there are only 4 available, but when you retrurn to Boston later in the game you find there are many more.
Collecting Alamanc Pages
Each page is in a specific place in the map. Once you get near the page it will start 'blowing in the wind' and you must chase it, and catch it. Pages are usually a few metres off the ground, so climbing is involed. If you fail to collect a page, simply come back later and it will be reset in the same place as before.
Boston Almanac Pages
Click map for larger.

New York Almanac Pages
Click map for larger.